
The Australian Imperial Service of Women’s Auxiliary was formed in Phillip Street, Sydney by mothers, wives, widows, sisters, daughters, and aunts of men who served in the Australian Imperial Forces (AIF) in the First World War (1914-1918). The auxiliaries grew from this beginning to raise money for the welfare of men and women who served and their widows and families. In 1947, at the Annual State Congress of the Returned and Services League of Australia (NSW Branch) (RSL NSW), a Resolution was formed that an Annual Congress of all Women’s Auxiliaries be convened under the auspices of the RSL. On 18 August 1948 Mr. K. Todd OBE, Country Vice-President of RSL NSW held the first Returned and Services League Women’s Auxiliary Congress at the Young Women’s Christian Association, Liverpool Street, Sydney. There were 140 auxiliaries in attendance from all over NSW, approximately 3,110 members. The first President was Mrs. K. Todd (1948-1949), Metropolitan Vice-President, Mrs. Pat Maitland, State Treasurer, Mrs. M. Hawkins and Mrs. Gwen Richards as State Secretary.

At the monthly meeting held by the RSL Sub-Branch on the 2nd of October 1968, a discussion took place re the forming of a Women’s Auxiliary. The outcome being that the President and Secretary make arrangements for a meeting to be called inviting all interested to attend and also inviting executive officers of the SED with a view to having representatives attend and address the ladies.

An inaugural meeting was held Bribie Island on Wednesday, November 20th 1968 to form the Women’s Auxiliary of the RSL Bribie Island Sub-Branch The meeting was attended by Messrs. Clark and Rubie, Senior Vice-President and Secretary respectively of the South-eastern District Branch of the RSL as well as local Officers. There was an excellent turn-out for the meeting. Seventeen Members being enrolled from which all Offices were filled. The Women’s Auxiliary is a very necessary part of the RSL and the assistance of the women folk of Bribie would be appreciated to ensure that the great success of the inaugural meeting will be carried on. It will be appreciated if all ladies wishing to join the Auxiliary would contact the secretary, Mrs. George Dyer, at 53-1288 from whom full details can be obtained. The next meeting will be held on Monday, 9th December at the Bowler’s Hostel at 7.30pm.

The first Annual Meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary Bribie Island RSL was held in the Bowler’s Hostel on March 10th, 1969 at 7.30pm. Nineteen members were welcomed by the President, Mrs. M Renton – a good rollup. Apologies were received from other members indicating that their interest in the Auxiliary was indeed very sincere. Mrs. Renton extended a cordial welcome to Vice-President of the Sub-Branch, Mr. George Dyer and the Hon. Sec. Mr. A.F. Hewish, also Mrs. Ray McCarthy from the CWA Bribie Branch. The Treasurer, Mrs. Fairleigh, presented the balance sheet which showed a very nice Bank balance considering the short existence of the Auxiliary and was received with acclamation. Mrs. Renton, at this stage, tendered her very sincere thanks to her executives and the Members for the opportunity of being their Foundation President and the loyalty to her during the short period of her term, resulting in such a solid foundation.

The Annual Report showed that the activities of the Ladies during the Christmas and New Year period in helping with the Sub-Branch functions, proved that a very active team has been formed, and a successful year ahead is assured. Mrs. Renton extended her thanks to the Members, who, with Mrs. McCarthy, successfully carried out the catering, etc., for the Annual Banquet of the RSL on Bribie, and the Bribie Island Bowls Club for the use of the Club House for that function.. Her hopes were for a continued increase in membership, a continued attendance at meetings and a good roll up of Members at all functions to be held in the future (watch for adverts). Finally, Mrs. Renton wished the incoming Executive and the Members a happy and successful year in 1969. Mrs. Renton vacated the chair and requested Mr. George Dyer to occupy the chair and assist in the election. On accepting, Mr. Dyer declared all Offices vacant and called for nominations. The following elections resulted: President, Mrs. D. Watkins: Vice-Presidents, Mrs. M Renton and Mrs. H. Dyer: Hon. Secretary, Mrs. M Hewish: Hon. treasurer, Mrs. Fairleigh: Publicity Officer, Mrs. N Niven: Hon. Auditor, Mrs. A.E. Hewish.

Mr. Dyer handed over the chair to Mrs. Watkins, thanking her for the pleasure he had in presiding at the election., at the same time apologising for the absence on holidays, of the President, Mr. F. Lacey. Mrs. Watkins moved a vote of thanks to the outgoing Office Bearers, which was carried by acclamation. This brought the meeting to a close. The monthly meeting of the Ladies of the Women’s Auxiliary was held on Monday, 10th March 1969, following the Annual Meeting. The President, Mrs. Watkins, opened the meeting and welcomed eight new Members.