We support Veterans and Their Families
Join us in supporting our Veteran Community
Our Areas of Interest
A general meeting of the Auxiliary is held on the second Monday of each month, (except January), in the Anzac Room commencing at 9.30am.
The Committee meets in the Sub-Branch Board Room on the first Monday of each Month.
We support our local Veteran Community by raising money for the Sub-Branch Welfare programme through the selling of merchandise around Anzac Day and Remembrance Day each year.
Our volunteer ladies also help with serving the gunfire breakfast in the Citizen’s Club on Anzac Day.
We support our members through our welfare programs in conjunction with the Sub-Branch Welfare Officers. We organize various events throughout the year for the enjoyment of our members and Bribie Veterans. These events may be shopping trips, bus tours or outing for morning tea or lunch.
Our main event for fund raising is the Bingo which is held in the Club Auditorium every Wednesday afternoon with ticket selling from 1pm and eyes downs at 2pm. Since our foundation in 1968 our ladies have raised and distributed to the Bribie Island Community well over one million dollars.
One major and important project was the raising of funds and the commencement of building of the units in the Women’s Auxiliary Retirement Village now known as Bolton Clarke.
Membership is only $10 to join and $5 per year.
Please go to the Contact page and ask the Secretary for an application form.
Volunteers are always needed to help with our fund raising activities. Your assistance will be most welcome. Since 1968 our volunteers have contributed hundreds of thousands of hours in support of the Bribie Island Veteran Community.
Due to the efforts of all the ladies over the years the Auxiliary has become a well respected member of the Bribie Island Community.